After this cold and rainy 1st half of the year, it feels like sunshine will never come. Don’t fear, it’s on the way! It might be easy for most of us to combat the heat by staying inside, enjoying our …
Build Your Home Equity Fast
Equity is the current value of your property minus the amount of liens against it. If you own property that’s worth $350,000, and you have a mortgage with a balance of $100,000, your equity in the …
Tips For A Higher Home Appraisal
Homebuyers and sellers often don't agree on many things, but they do share one important concern: they both want a successful transaction. This camaraderie is very evident during the appraisal …
Potential Deal Killers for Homebuyers
Falling in love with a new home can be exhilarating. It can also be kind of scary, especially when you’re unsure of all the details. What if something goes wrong and you end up losing the deal? …
7 Tips for Achieving Maximum Home Coziness
Cozy homes are a new trend in 2019 for homebuyers. However, there are more reasons to having a cozy home other than putting it on the market to sell. You should enjoy your home - whether you’re …